Make a Decision or Choose to Let Others
Make Your Decisions for You!
If you or someone you love is an older adult living alone, the information below is a must read!
So you have decided to Age in Place and live the rest of your life in the home that you love. With a little planning, that choice is far more likely to occur. Unfortunately, far too many people neglect to plan ahead. Being remiss in your future arrangements is the same as choosing to let someone else make your decisions for you.
For example: while hurrying down the hall to answer the phone you trip over a loose area carpet, take a tumble and break a hip. The sudden trip to the hospital may have a very different result than the one you expected.
It would be prudent to note that the hospital is not going to release you if you are unable to take proper care of yourself.
So…….here is some of the questions you should be asking yourself in advance:
First and foremost: 
- Do you have an emergency contact person? Is the information on how to reach them in a visible spot? (i.e.: on your fridge or in an envelope near your front door).
- Do they have access to a list of your medications and medical information?
- Do you have a designated Power of Attorney and a Representation Agreement?
- Does your emergency contact know how to reach your POA or representative?
Now that you have a trusted person or people who can handle the legal and medical decisions, let’s look at what leaving the hospital will entail.
Planning to go home:
Do you have an arranged plan for home care? 
- Who will:
- Do your shopping and prepare your meals?
- Ensure you get your proper medications?
- Help you dress and bath?
- Drive you to the doctors?
- Maintain the care and cleanliness of your home?
- If all these services can’t be obtained from one source, who will manage the coordination of all of these services? It is unwise to assume that you will be able to adequately handle these duties on your own, while recuperating.
- How much are these services going to cost?
- How long is this form of care financially feasible?
If you have a well thought out plan in place and everything goes smoothly, you will be very glad that you prepared in advance and can continue to live happily in your own home.
Preparing for an alternative solution:
We all know that life has an uncanny way of working out quite differently than we planned. In the event that you are unable to return to your own home; either temporarily or permanently, the following will help you to prepare for this option.
Have you selected an alternative/assisted living community?
- Do they have room for you right away?
- Is there a temporary suite available until a permanent one is ready for you?
- Who is going to complete the move for you?
- If the move is temporary:
- Who have you arranged to care for your home, pets, bills, mail & paper pick up, etc. While you are away?
- How long can they be counted on to continue this?
- If these duties take more than one person, who will handle the coordination to ensure everything gets done?
- Are you aware of, and have you financially planned for the costs?
- If the move is to be permanent:
- Who decides what goes with you and what gets sold, gifted, donated or disposed of?
- Who will handle the physical job of downsizing, selling, packing, moving, unpacking & settling in, disconnection of services, change of address, sale of the home, etc.?
- Are you aware of, and have you financially planned for the costs?
- If the move is temporary:
While the above questions may seem overwhelming at first, by addressing them one at a time and taking the time to answer them thoroughly, you are taking control of the choices for your future.
Now the good news! You do not have to do all of this by yourself. Family, friends and local health authorities can assist with information and solutions to many of the questions you have. Check out the “Helpful Links”.
Still seem overwhelming?
Call in the experts.
The caring and experienced team at Next Chapter Senior Services can assist you through the complete process. Call us today to find out how we can help you prepare for your Next Chapter.
Email: [email protected]